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what do do when the house is explored and i found the secret hatc

My game has bugs and not working properly 

Deleted 347 days ago

From 3.5 we changed the engine (we were using RPGMakerMV and now MZ). Older saves don't work from this update.

nice game, but for some reason the its not saving, so ig i have to beat the entire game in one day lol

i got errors when going to rob the house with elf the little fat guy is walking with me but when i come back to his house he is also standing before the doors

Got errors on just trying to meet chad at the party


From Yesterday Final Orginity v0.3.5 Early Access is already available on Patreon! Soon we'll have it also here.


Great stuff so far!

If I had a gripe with the game, though, it's way too easy to accidentally choose a dialog option while advancing text.

It might already be something you've worked on in the upcoming update, but as a suggestion, you might consider having a "no selection" (nothing is highlighted at start so players don't auto-accept whatever the first option is) or "no advancement selection" default for these (like starting with an "I would like to..." option that does nothing). Or perhaps just a simple delay between text and dialog box popping up?

Where is the abby


Hey, hey, people,
Final Orginity v0.3.5 is almoste here. We already have the release dates posted in our Patron. Also, with the next update we'll drop the second Ropoductions Q&A. Well answer EVERY question (NO SPOILERS) about Amy, Final Orginity, the development and even about ourselves. It's time to ask! More info here.

у кого есть сохранение со всеми сценами в одном за одно прохождение?


i have

Dang, do u have tg accaunt, like can u send it?

You can write to me in discord "makeoveer.ftw"

I made it to after the funeral I feel like i've missed a lot of scenes? I didn't make it to the beach scene whatsoever and she's still a virgin as well. I did the bar scene and it said that was the end, but when I skipped the bar scene and tried to meet up with Kylia (?) the elf girl, we went to find the secret room and it wasn't there. Am I just confused or am i waiting for more updates?


yeah i had other problem in this area, the house robbery i think u had one picklock too little and u need to leave one doors closed, after you robbed the chests u need to go to the secret dungeon and from there i am stuck because the little fat guy is blocking the door and i cant talk to him

I guess I also stuck there t

(1 edit)

From now, we'll keep working on Final Orginity in RPG Maker MZ. Finally Amy will be available on MAC! An open post about that here.

Hey guys, here's an open post for you all. Two important news and some thoughts about the future of the game.

Heeeelpp!!! There's a bug in the laundry mission, I got stuck in dubois. The screen suddenly go black after the fatman do his thing, I play on andeoid btw

Android port is not official and has a lot of bugs. If you want to enjoy FO without all this bugs I recommend you to play it on PC.



I played for hours and hours, but eventually all of the obvious progressive politics and your main character's lack of ethics or even the option to be ethical became annoying.
Here are some examples:
She steals from someone while also courting him and being legitimately interested in him, then loots his corpse because for some reason she can't stop thinking about paying for rent, lol! It would be funny if the game felt like it was trying to be a farce. Instead it plays like an unintentional tragedy.

Moreover, she's supposed to be "innocent," or at least that's how she's portrayed when you play a "pacifist" route (no sex, flashing, et cetera) but no matter how clean you act, the idea of "virtue" is so meaningless to the writers that they don't really know how to make her consistent with her own beliefs: in that regard, she acts like a slut, flirts with people to the point of basically lying to them, and performs every physically uncouth sexual act possible short of actual sex acts, but then murmurs under her breath about how anyone who doesn't fall for her seduction is a prick, so you end up playing as an open hypocrite.
At one point you can tell a character to not touch you, and you get the specific option to tell him either 1) I like it, 2) I don't like it, and 3) I would like it if it were anyone but you, Perv.
So I select option 2, which is a very standard moralizing point that progressives, particularly the feminist branch, love to trot out: "Don't touch me without permission," and fair game, you shouldn't touch someone without their permission, perfectly reasonable.
But then a few moments later an attractive guy touches her int he exact same way and she giggles with delight. If I were playing a character that was MEANT to be an annoying skank this would be fine, but that is obviously not the kind of character she's supposed to be, so it just comes off as a betrayal, especially since five seconds prior it had given me the option to go to bat for the guy, which I did because the story forced her to accept him along with her (because she was too cowardly to say no) and I figured, hey, if we agreed to accept him into the party then we're going to treat him fairly within that context.

I know, I know, it sounds like I'm complaining about lefty politics in a game about banging horse-cocks, but it's not about the politics, it's about inconsistent characterization, it's about likable characters and it's about obvious politics being put into the game in a way that don't even make sense.
One last example is that Donald Trump is in the game, which could be funny, and in fact is: He says all of his "I'm the best" lines and it's great, but then they have the main girl say that the guy is "giving her the creeps" after a bit of hum-drum dialogue that's not nearly as bad as tons of other stuff she has had any obvious problems with. 
I would not be surprised if he makes some kind of claim to enjoy raping women and it not being a joke because someone don't understand male banter and thinks sex jokes are declarations of intent.

There's just too much of this gobbledygook pulling me out of the game and eventually I just couldn't handle it. I think it was mostly the lead character's inconsistent personality though. It'd be one thing if she started as a slut, or if there were some kind of unavoidable slut-transformation that happened at some point. Instead, she is the ultimate hypocrite, keeping her veneer of cutesy virginity and kind innocence while acting openly not just like a slut, but a cunt, constantly muttering insults beneath her breath. In other words, I grew to dislike her because, for some reason, the writers decided that her inner thoughts should be constantly disdainful of anyone around her that wasn't obsequious.

Again, to be clear, a slut in a game is fine, and in this kind of game you expect sluts, it all works, but they managed to create just the right combination of the WORST of female traits, specifically if you're doing a non-whore run. I think it works a bit better if she lets herself be pile-drived by anything with three legs, but there's still the other niggles even in that scenario.

Anyway, I gave my $1 and I respect the work put into it.

(3 edits) (+6)(-3)

Oh dear, an incel angry that a female that acts as 99% of males in sex and 'h' or ecchi games/animes (fucks various others and isn't 100% devoted to one partner) is shown in a sympathetic light. THE HORROR! THE OUTRAGE! Go rub that mini stub to rape and harem shit like we all know you do, 'hypocrite'.

Your butthurt over how your 'alpha hero' totally-not-a-real-rapist Trump gets dragged is delicious and hilarious. I'm especially heartened to hear you found it 'not funny' because your definition of 'joke' could probably use some work (like, not bragging about actually abusing married women and calling people slurs and taunting his actual court-proven rape victims).


"Shown in a sympathetic light."
There is occasion in which she's shown sympathetically, and I have no problem with that, nor is it related to any of my complaints.

Try again. XD

I don't think this addresses anything I said about the game.

"Your butthurt over how your 'alpha hero' totally-not-a-real-rapist Trump gets dragged is delicious and hilarious."

You don't know me, which is obvious because this is all just baseless nonsense.

"I'm especially heartened to hear you found it 'not funny' because your definition of 'joke' could probably use some work (like, not bragging about actually abusing married women and calling people slurs and taunting his actual court-proven rape victims)."

It's interesting that you seemed to have read my post, because otherwise you couldn't make this comment at all, but somehow you misread it so that you think I said "not" funny when in fact I said it was funny. My issue was with the obvious partisanship, whereby they have Trump say something fairly innocuous, but then have people react to him as if he just said something horrid, all so they can make the "joke" that "orange man bad." 
There is PLENTY to make fun of Trump for, and the game even does it: It repeatedly mocks his arrogance. That's fun, that's based in reality, that makes sense. But for anyone who actually read up on the trial where the woman accused him of rape, any suggestions that he is "creepy" or a rapist are patently idiotic and obvious come from a place of someone who has inserted him in the game not really to be funny as much as to mock political opposition. As a point of comparison, I would never put a Joe Biden figure in any of my novels, despite considering him an awful president.

If you do respond again, and that response is just more angry bashing, then congratulations, you may have the last word.


I love how much time you spent on this reply, incel hypocrite sad little boy with stub dick whining about a female protag fucking multiple people and not being tied to any one person. Please reply again to underscore how much of a butthurt crybaby you are. 


Imagine being rightwing psycho creep offended by a meme 🫣

Bro... It's a HENTAI GAME... what were you expecting? The purpose of this is solely to get your rocks off. Anything else is bonus.

the scene after the beach interview is bugged, there is no dialogue to read and im stuck there, ive reloaded my save 8 times and it still doesnt work

(1 edit)

I recommend you to play the Version 0.3.3 B. It should be fixed that part.

i am playing 0.3.3 

If you want to See that beach Scene you should download 0.3.3 B and paste your sabes there. It should work fine with that versión.

i meant to say im playing 3.3B

Hey guys! We've posted the first Ropoductions Q&A ever made. Here's the link.

Save game doesnt work for me 

try again with an earlier save, that should work!

I dont have any other saves everytime i close the game and start it back up its like im starting it for the very first time agai

In the beach scene, how can I get the money for the dark skinned guy in the que in the top right??

where can I find the money in which house? tried all houses

try with the back windows

finished the mission but how can i claim the reward in "abaddon's abbey camp" where can I find this ?

thank you

wait until you can walk again through the abbey  and then search for the tent.

where can I find "abbey" could u please help me?

can u attach a picture please ?

If you are having issues with the bard quest I suggest you to play the version  0.3.3 B


Hey I have a question, I really want to enjoy this game but is Amy ever gonna get pounded or have erotic sex scenes with any attractive male characters? Im not super far into the game im probably half way but the only hot scenes in the game so far was the gangbang that happened to her friend in the beginning of the game, the guard searching amys body, and also her going into the public baths with all the dudes. Other than that the erotic situations shes been in have been kinda either lackluster or just odd and gross. IDK if im the only one who feels this way but I just wanted some input from anyone else on this. 


Will there be any futa?

Also, it seems that there is Spanish text here and there.....

sometimes is on purpose. Where do you mean?


So far, it's a fun game. However could you please darken the background for the text boxes. Sometimes it's hard to read the text, not enough contrast.

(1 edit)

Guys, the bugfix for current version will come here, on, this friday 29. I already fixed the bard related events and more stuff we (and also yo!) have found. So, if you find any other bug on these two days it's time to share it here! Remember that together, with your help we will create a great game. Trust the process!

(1 edit)

cant get into abby for the dom date do i need to wait for a update or is that a bug?

(1 edit)

We will release a hot fix soon, mostly about Dom related events.

When I go to run the game I get a view of the file directory instead of the game, is there a way to fix that?

(1 edit)

Hey hey people! These are the release dates for the 7th update, Final Orginity v0.3.3.

  • 15/12/23 - FINAL ORGINITY v0.3.3 EARLY ACCESS.  (Exclusive for our high tier patrons).
  • 20/12/23 - FINAL ORGINITY v0.3.3 EARLY ACCESS B. (Exclusive for  patrons).
  • 22/12/23 - FINAL ORGINITY v0.3.3. (Open version, it'll be posted also here, in

The 7th update is almost done! More info here.


Will this be released on Mac?


First of all, I must say I am pleasantly surprised how good this game actually is! The main heroine is very likeable and just like all the other game characters are saying, a true eyecandy! Infact, all the aesthetics/artstyle are fantastic! The plot is also very captivating, keeping me interested in the game. The fact that this game is not linear, and there are plenty of choices that alter the outcome and the entire story is magnificent! Lots of things to like about the game, infact, It's been quite a long time since I've played an actually good erotic game that doesn't get boring after the first 20 minutes.

==========SPOILERS AHEAD==========

Not sure if it's a bug, or I have simply reached the furthest point of the game that has been developed as of now, but basically, I am unable to progress further then the last day before I need to pay up the rent of those 20 gold coins, right after the events that took place with Alex, clownshow and the failed mission of stealing the notebook. I Wake up, talk to Frank and Hilaria untill someone knocks on the door and delivers the message from Alex that he will be waiting Amy in his house that evening. Then it's possible to go to 'The Box', where Amy will find that Alex is not in the office that moment and.... There is nothing I can do afterwards in order to progress the story at all. Pretty much all the doors are locked besides very few exceptions. The eastern side of the city with all the hobos is blocked by guards, still can't enter royal palace, Alex's House is blocked by the bouncer, Gomul's and Gloria's blacksmith is "locked" with message saying "Hmm... I don't think BBC's the right place for someone Like Gomul and Gloria.." (I have completed the Big Bob's gig quest), and I cannot enter BBC cafe as 'I prefer to explore other, less demeaning options first'. I also am unable to do anything in the Pink guild either, because when I talk to Hailey, she tells me that Figue's office is down the hall, however when I attempt to go there, she interupts by demanding to say 'Hi' before 'waltzing into private property' (I believe I answered that I would like to apply for the pink guild, but instead of going to Figue right away, I exited the building and went straight to the Big Boy's Cafe instead and did his quest, thus messing up this quest).



In order to do the Pink Guild mission you have to, like you're told, just say hi to the girl who talks to you and THEN to the office
The BBC can bug out if you mess around so if you already did it don't go there again


there is no point to the HP or Mana since you never fight anything in the whole story. this is a glorified  navel 

I think I ran into a glitch that bricked my save file, I went into the room after discovering the corpse of Alex and when i got near the couch in my room my controls locked up I cannot move at all

(1 edit)

Same happened to me, try mashing Z and down

how do I get more save files?


this will have Pregnancy in a future?


Will there be a MacBook version or mobile phone download?

(1 edit)

After reading some suggestions and considering, we have decided to make our patron-only server public, but only some channels.
This invite will expire after 30 days because permanent ones are an exclisive privilage now... So if we forget to make a new one ask for it.

How do I get the scene on image 17.

(1 edit) (+1)

v 3.0.I am having trouble at Big Bob's. I get stuck whenever I try to go to the main square during the part where you have to gather people.

(1 edit)

That is a bug, to be fixed for next update. Try to fill the bar with customers. 


How do you find Mungas at the beach when I went into one of the houses it changed to the afternoon and I don't know what to do.

Whoopsie! I'm afraid that was a bug. It'll be fixed for next update. I recommend you to look for munga in the top house (without entering any other house).


Thank you and I hope the next update is as good as this one.

Everytime I run the game it still states ver.2.5 even tho I downloaded ver.3.0 

(2 edits)

We forgot to Change the Main Menu img, LOL. Update is v0.3.0, you'll See It in the ending Events of the version


Very nice game <3

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